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New subscription prices in Cyfra+

dodano: 2008-05-14 13:46 | aktualizacja: 2008-05-16 15:46
autor: Mr. Orbita/Rafał Tomasiak | źródło: Cyfra+

cyfra+logo_sk_new.jpg Canal+ Cyfrowy has intruduced new subscription prices on 1st May. Cyfra+ packages price will be slightly higher - 1 or 2 PLN depending on a package (it is 2,6%). National Geographic HD price is reduced for 1 PLN, prices of other services remain the same.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
This is the first change of subscription prices in three years, caused by 6% inflation in Poland. In recent months Cyfra+ has introduced many new technologies - HDTV, DSL, VoD and PVR. Cyfra+ offers 100 television channels with over 80 in Polish language and hundreds of FTA stations. In last 12 months Cyfra+ added 9 new new channels, including HD and a VoD service. In three years Cyfra+ added 25 new channels.

New high definition channel, HBO HD, will appear very shortly in the offer of Cyfra+ and the promotion for HBO Digital has been extended to the end of the year. Cyfra+ has plans to bring new HD channels and create its own lifestyle station.

New subscription proces:

- Prestiżowy package - 2 PLN change, new price: 147 PLN
- Komfortowy package - 2 PLN change, new price: 60 PLN
- Podstawowy package - 2 PLN change, new price: 40 PLN
- Powitalny package - 1 PLN change, new price: 19 PLN

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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