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Filmbox channels in Cyfra+

dodano: 2008-05-27 12:52 | aktualizacja: 2008-05-29 12:04
autor: Rafał Tomasiak | źródło: Cyfra+

Filmbox Cyfra+ had added 3 new channels to its offer: Filmbox, Filmbox Extra and Filmbox HD. Channels are available with no additional charges for subscribers of Prestiżowy package, Filmbox as an additional option is offered for subscribers of Komfortowy and Podstawowy package for 15 PLN per month.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
Cyfra+ will not transfer the singal to its transponders but existing sources also used by the platform n are going to be utilized.

Filmbox - a channel that presents movies without ads, invites us every evening at 21.00 for the television premiere. Mondays - movies based on true stories, Tuesdays - sensations, Wednesdays - love stories, Thursdays - action movies, Fridays - comedies, weekends are reserved for weekly hits.

Filmbox Extra is a channel for lovers and cinema connoisseurs. Every day at 20.00 it offers a premiere of a well-known movie. Filmbox Extra is a 24-hour service. Filmbox HD presents movies with the best picture and sound quality.

Filmbox HD is the sixth high definition channel available for Cyfra+ subscribers, others are: Canal+ Film HD, Canal+ Sport HD, National Geographic Channel HD, HBO HD and Eurosport HD. Three Filmbox channels ae located on channels 52 (Filmbox), 53 (Filmbox Extra) and 54 (Filmbox HD) in Cyfra+ decoders.

Filmbox HD in Cyfra+

Cyfra+ offers every premium channel available in Poland (Canal+, Canal+ Film/Canal+ Film HD, Canal+ Sport/Canal+ Sport HD, Canal+ Sport 2, HBO/HBO HD, HBO2, HBO Comedy and VoD service HBO Digital).

Technical parameters:

Hot Bird 7A (13E)
tp. 10 (11,393 GHz, pol. V SR=27500 FEC=3/4)

PID V=516
PID A=690

Filmbox Extra
PID V=515
PID A=680

tp. 13 (11,449 GHz, pol. H SR=27500 FEC=2/3 DVB-S2/8PSK)

Filmbox HD
PID V=531
PID A=731

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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