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New prices in Polish n from 1st June

dodano: 2008-06-03 14:50 | aktualizacja: 2008-06-11 15:47
autor: Rafał Tomasiak | źródło:

n_HDTV_black-logo_sk_znaczo.jpg From 1st of June, 2008 ITI Neovision - the operator of Polish digital satellite platform n introduced a new service prices. Reduced prices of dish sets: with recorder - 90 PLN (previously 140 PLN), multiroom set - 120 PLN (previously 170 PLN). At the same time, when viewers choose 2 packages, so far free \"Information and Entertainment\" package will cost 6 PLN.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
Other changes in Polish n:
From 1st of August the fee for "Information and Entertainment" package will change for subscribers that choose only 2 packages and it will be 6 PLN per month. The fee for "Information and Entertainment" package will not be changed for customers that choose more than 2 packages.

With the purchase of 3 or more packages, "Information and Entertainment" will be added as a gift, as happened so far. This change will be applied from 1st of August 2008.

The new offer ensures lower prices of n dishes - the premium dish price will be reduced from 140 PLN to 90 PLN and the price of the Multiroom dish from 170 PLN to 120 PLN.

From 1st of June n intends to encourage every new customer with an additional bonus. With each new contract additional options of HBO and Cinemax will be added as gifts. Free period lasts up to four months.

From 2nd of June 2008 ITI Neovision introduces changes in the current promotions: "Best Films", "Best Sport" and "All Packages" as well as in standard contracts. Each new customer receives 2 additional options of HBO+Cinemax as gifts up to 4 months (the month in which the contract was concluded + 3 full months).

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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