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n television with new price list since 1st of July

dodano: 2009-06-01 17:00 | aktualizacja: 2009-06-03 22:39
autor: Rafal Tomasiak | źródło: n

Neovision From 1st of July 2009 new regulations will be introduced for n television subscribers. Changes will include n\'s price list and a new option nFilm is going to be added with two premium channels nFilm and nFilm2. Price for two new stations is 20 PLN. It should be pointed out that the basic package price will not change.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
A subscriber who will use nFilm option gets a free access to a VOD collection: nFilm VOD. For other clients nFilm VOD collection cost is 10 PLN per month. There have also been changes in the names of packages - additional option HBO + Cinemax will be called MaxPack and VOD collection (Picture Box + nScreen) will be renamed to MixVod.

Changes in the rules should reduce formalities to a minimum and make n's offer more flexible. For example, subscribers will be able to switch off any package, provided that the number of subscribed packages will remain active as indicated by the regulations. If subscribers won't accept new regulations they can resing from the offer of n televison, deadline for passing the written resignation is 24th of June 2009.

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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