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O.TV on ZigZap from September

dodano: 2009-06-17 17:40 | aktualizacja: 2009-06-21 13:24
autor: Rafal Tomasiak | źródło: Cyfra+

owsiak-tv_logo.png Canal+ Cyfrowy, a producer and broadcaster of Canal+ and other TV channels as well as the operator of CYFRA+ platform has started a cooperation with Jurek Owsiak\'s Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. The programmes prepared by O.TV will appear on ZigZap, a channel for young people, in September this year.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
In accordance with the agreement ZigZap (a part of Canal+ Cyfrowy company) will start evening programmes called Owsiak TV in September this year. The introduction of a new block of programming will make it possible to broaden the existing audience of ZigZap by interesting older viewers.

Cooperation will also be organized in partnership events. The first of these is Przystanek Woodstock Festival (31 July - 2 August) in Kostrzyn. Its partners are Cyfra+ platform and Canal+ channel that will present coverage of this musical event.

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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