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DVB-T on Philips HD PVR from CYFRA+

dodano: 2009-07-01 09:02 | aktualizacja: 2009-07-01 15:11
autor: Rafal Tomasiak | źródło: Forum SAT Kurier/C+

cyfra+logo_sk_new.jpg On 29th of June 2009 subscribers of the satellite platform CYFRA+ with digital receiver Philips HD PVR 7201 have gained access to new software which allows the reception of digital terrestrial television. New soft name is: 90/DTT. In order to download the software, go to Menu and Decoder\'s software update section.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
As a result, the number of CYFRA+ customers who can receive DVB-T signal has increased to over 150,000. CYFRA+ subscribers are now the largest group prepared to receive that signal and have access to Polsat channel. Now clients with both Philips HD 6201 and Philips HD PVR 7201 terminals can watch digital terrestrial television. This means that it is possible to record broadcast content from DVB-T network.

Users with Philips PVR HD set-top boxes in the area of DVB-T transmitters, after connecting the terrestrial antenna, can receive digital terrestrial television from channel 980 upwards.

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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