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GlobeCast to transmit WWE wrestling in HD

dodano: 2008-03-19 11:07 | aktualizacja: 2008-03-19 11:08
autor: Janusz Sulisz/Rafal Tomasiak | źródło: sateliteinfos/

GlobeCast and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) have reached an agreement for global fiber and satellite distribution of PPV (pay-per-view) wrestling events from across North America in High Definition and Standard Definition.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
France Telecom's GlobeCast is providing WWE with HD and SD distribution solution for test and live event transmissions. GlobeCast service also includes full encryption of all transmissions and designing of new HD receivers.

The initial agreement includes fourteen PPV events in 2008, such as: Royal Rumble (in January), WrestleMania XXIV (March), SummerSlam (August) and Armageddon (December).

GlobeCast is also ensuring international distribution of all WWE events, beginning with standards conversion to PAL format. For Europe, broadcasting transmissions are routed to GlobeCast’s London teleport and then redirected to pan-European satellites.

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