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2,917 mln subscribers of Cyfrowy Polsat

dodano: 2009-11-10 11:40 | aktualizacja: 2009-11-13 10:38
autor: Rafal Tomasiak | źródło: Cyfrowy Polsat

CyfrowyPolsat_X2006_sk.jpg On 10th of November 2009 Cyfrowy Polsat, the largest pay-TV digital satellite platform in Poland, announced its financial results for the third quarter and 9 months of 2009. Cyfrowy Polsat subscribers base grew in the third quarter by 73,000 to 2,917 million. The total number Cyfrowy Polsat decoder`s users is 3,531 million.

Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony.
Results from the first 9 months of 2009 in comparison to 9 months of 2008:

- Acquisitions amounted to 431,000 compared to 439,000
- Familijny package ARPU increased by 3%
- Revenues increased by 20% to 983 mln PLN
- EBITDA profit amounted to 254 mln PLN
- Adjusted EBITDA increased by 10% to 329 mln PLN
- Net profit amounted to 189 mln PLN
- Adjusted net profit rose by 10% to 250 mln PLN

Cyfrowy Polsat subscribers base

On 30th of September 2009 Cyfrowy Polsat had 2,916,750 subscribers, 21% more than on 30th of September 2008 when the platform had 2,402,524 subscribers. Number of Familijny package subscribers increased by 13% to 2,342,932 and represented 80% of entire subscriber base while the number of Mini and Mini Max package customers has risen by 71% to 573,818, representing 20% of entire subscriber base.

DTH subscribers ARPU

Average monthly revenue per subscriber fell nearly 2% to 34,5 PLN during nine months ended on 30th of September 2009 from 35,1 PLN in the corresponding period of 2008. Average monthly revenue per subscriber of Familijny package increased by 3% to 40,2 PLN from 39,0 PLN in the corresponding period of 2008.


EBITDA amounted to 254 mlm PLN during nine months ended 30th of September 2009 compared to 300 mln PLN in the same period of 2008 mainly due to weaker zloty in comparison with euro (by 29%) and the dollar (by 44%) resulting in higher costs of programming licenses and signal transmission by 78 mln PLN. EBITDA margin was 26% compared to 38% in the corresponding period of 2008.

Net profit

Net profit amounted to 189 mln PLN during nine months ended 30th of September 2009 compared to 227 mln PLN in the same period of 2008 as a result of a decline in gross profit. Net profit adjusted by an increase in the value of programming licenses and cost of transmission signal due to weaker zloty against euro and U.S. dollar amounted to 250 mln PLN.

Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułu tylko za zgodą wydawcy.

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